A Rainy Season Journal
Note: If you find this information useful, please sign up for our email mailing list on the bottom of this page. --- The Milkweed Lands The milkweeds of my childhood were ditch weeds. In the 1970s and 80s they were...
Note: If you find this information useful, please sign up for our email mailing list on the bottom of this page. --- The Milkweed Lands The milkweeds of my childhood were ditch weeds. In the 1970s and 80s they were...
As the end of the year closes in, we would like to thank you – our customer-friends – for your support. The work you do to bring interesting masterpieces and fragments of nature to our shared surroundings makes the world...
October is the month of foggy mornings. Of vast dew-covered spider webs tangled in the hedgerows. It’s the month of field cutting. Of meadow management. There’s a common assumption that you can plant a meadow and then just ignore things....
It’s been a terrific wet spring west of the Cascades. Strangely enough, we all hear grumblings about this cool, wet, season, despite it being a cosmic gift. Our local prairies and meadows haven’t looked this good in years. It’s the...
It’s almost impossible to stay on top of emails this time of year. We try to tune out the news, and suffer through the heat, meditate on the raspy sound of dry grass on tinder-dry mornings. The days are long,...
In the long dark season we find ourselves with no shortage of tasks still to be done. There’s piles of dry seed and chaff still to be sorted through and mechanically cleaned. There are transplant trays to be sown with...
No Northwestern meadow plant is more iconic than Camassia quamash, common camas. A plant that despite its name, isn’t common, at least not anymore. But it could be again. Arriving over the Rocky Mountains into the Northwest Meriwether Lewis recorded...
We don’t blog enough. At least not as much as you are “supposed” to for maximizing your social media marketing impact. Mostly we don’t blog much because the internet is sort of exhausting – an artificial ecosystem where nothing...
With a thermos of coffee and a truckload of buckets, we woke up bleary eyed and much too early this morning, heading out to the gumweed field for our annual harvest, only to discover... it's still in full bloom. While the more...