Elkhorn Clarkia Seeds (Clarkia pulchella)
Elkhorn clarkia is among the most charming annual Inland West wildflowers, displaying flamboyant antler-shaped pink to fuchsia-colored flowers singularly, or occasionally with branched stems.
Naturally occurring on dry, open slopes at mid-elevations, elkhorn clarkia is largely a plant of the Inland Northwest (British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana), but scattered populations have been found further afield – from South Dakota to California.
Like other Clarkia species, this plant can be fall-seeded as a winter annual in mild locations, or spring seeded in cool climates. It’s typically a full sun plant, although we’ve seen it happily persisting in the dappled shade of pines on warm slopes.
Elkhorn clarkia is a likely caterpillar hostplant for Clark’s sphinx moth (Proserpinus clarkiae) a splendidly large “hummingbird moth” and the shockingly beautiful emerald-green Pacific Sphinx moth (Proserpinus lucidus). Also, like other Clarkia species, several leafcutter bees preferentially harvest pieces of flower petals for nest construction, creating delicate pink bundles in which to wrap their offspring.
Elkhorn clarkia is widely adaptable and quite robust even in challenging locations (urban areas, roadsides, dry rangelands, and large container plantings). Sow in drifts for a dramatic effect. Looks wickedly great when combined with large-flowered collomia and plains coreopsis.
Approximately 800+ seeds (0.6 grams).