Creek Clover Seeds (Trifolium obtusiflorum)
Possibly one of the least common and least understood of our native Western clovers, creek clover is an annual, historically occurring from southwest Oregon to Baja.
It’s also possibly the latest blooming of the native clovers, flowering into the summer, especially when near a water source where it can form lush mounds over two-feet in height (under dry conditions it remains smaller and sparser).
This lovely plant prefers damp, sandy, disturbed habitats (e.g. creek banks, as the name suggests, as well as gullies with ephemeral streams), and has fantastically deeply toothed slender leaves, and soft, bristly white to pink flowers.
Creek clover is a likely caterpillar host plant for numerous species of butterflies, including various sulphurs, blues, and a few skippers.
This is a very good candidate plant for rapid cover over newly cleared sites (for example young meadows still in the establishment phase), stormwater retention ponds, drainage embankments, or for the garden where it can create a seasonally luxuriant ground cover that hums with bee activity. Note that this plant is susceptible to deer browsing, and can be damaged by slugs when it is young and newly germinated.
Approximately 350 seeds (0.7 grams).