Molate Red Fescue Seeds (Festuca rubra var. ‘molate’)
A Pacific coast form of creeping red fescue for lush, soft, exuberant wild lawns – and for filling gaps between other plant species.
Contrasting slightly with other native fescues, this coastal population of red fescue forms both loose, flowing bunches, as well as some short, spreading rhizomes. This growth form makes it an excellent “filler” species to include with more densely tufted grass species to create a sturdy grass canopy that is more resistant to weeds and more durable to foot traffic.
Like other red fescues, this selection is tolerant of full sun in cool climates, but prefers partial shade in warmer locations. It performs excellently in low-fertility, well-drained soils, but can tolerate periods of moist/wet ground. The thin, fine leaf blades create fantastic soft, flowing mounds or drifts. The roughly 12-inch tall foliage can be mowed as low as 2 to 4 inches but this grass is best when mowed infrequently. If un-mowed, it will develop two-foot tall seed spikes.
Molate red fescue is a host plant for skipper butterfly caterpillars. It can be planted as a single species, used as a filler plant between other meadow plants to help keep out invasive non-native grasses and weeds, or combined into wild lawn mixes (especially with other fescues) or with seashore bentgrass, poverty oatgrass, prairie junegrass, meadowfoam, maiden clover, yaak yarrow, self heal, Chamisso sedge, blue eyed grass, golden-eyed grass, creeping thyme, and wild blue flax.
Seeding Rates: 14-grams (approx. 3000 to 6000 seeds) can form a solid turf on about 100 to 200 square feet when mixed with an inert bulking material and evenly spread across bare soil. In combination with other the seed of other grass and wildflower species in new plantings, sow at a total rate of 60 to 100 seeds per square foot for best effect.
Packet Size: 14 grams (Approximately 3000 to 6000 seeds).