Seaside Plantain Seeds (Plantago maritima)
Sometimes called “goose tongue” for the long, slender leaves, this saline tolerant native plantain naturally appears along ocean coastlines virtually across the globe -- including in far northern arctic coastlines often at the highwater mark (although it can grow in many other conditions). Like sea samphire (Salicornia) -- which it commonly co-occurs with – this is a sublime wild perennial vegetable.
Despite its coastal lineage, seaside plantain can grow in non-coastal settings, including in typical garden soils. (An advantage of saline coastal soils for this plant is that there are fewer competitors – especially aggressive grasses). Very good for fresh eating, or flash sauteed, seaside plantain is a bit like a salty green bean and it's ridiculously packed with nutrients. It can simply be trimmed periodically with scissors for harvest, and allowed to continuously regrow. (It also freezes very well). This is one of those potentially great farmer’s market plants that nobody grows. This and other plantains are caterpillar host plants for various beautiful Frittilary butterflies (Euphydryas spp.).
100+ seeds. (0.1 grams).